Prevalence of Chronic Pain in the UK
‘Prevalence of chronic pain in the UK: a systematic review and meta-analysis of population studies (Fayaz et al 2016)
The prevalence of chronic pain ranged from 35.0% to 51.3% (pooled estimate 43.5%) in the UK. The prevalence of moderate-severely disabling chronic pain ranged from 10.4% to 14.3%.The prevalence of chronic pain in young people (18–39 years old) may be as high as 30%. Chronic pain was more common in female than male participants, across all measured phenotypes.’
When a study estimates that 43.5% of the population of the UK suffers from chronic pain, one thing is abundantly clear… the current medical model approach to chronic pain is not effective.
As with all research studies, there are limitations in the procedure that may have negatively influenced the accuracy of the data. The purpose of this post is not to critique the experiential design, but more to address the overarching conclusion of the study, that chronic pain affects between one third and one half of the population of the UK.
So…Surely there is a better way to approach chronic pain?
From my experience in health care, dating back to 2006, where I began learning amongst other things the anatomical attachments and function of the quadriceps muscles, the fundamentals of anatomy and physiology, and the common causes of knee pain, my perspective on human health and happiness over this period has changed and evolved considerably.
I have been extremely fortunate to observe, challenge, assist, and learn from some of the most pioneering individuals on earth that strive to help people in pain and suffering. During this journey, I have learned so much, and yet the lessons I have been learning over the past 3 years have convinced me of one thing, that in the vast amount of cases…
‘Chronic Pain’ is the body’s expression of dis-ease within the mind.
I believe that when there is dis-ease within a persons’ mind, or in other words, when the mind is not in a state of healthiness, this will change the chemistry of the brain and nervous system of that individual, and if left unresolved can then be expressed within their system as pain.
As pain can be defined as “an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage, or described in terms of such damage”. When there is dis-ease within the mind this can be expressed in any number of ways, such as anxiety, depression, chronic digestive issues, the list goes on…
Through learning the Body Mind Workers Approach, I have been able to develop an understanding of how the mind works, and how it can be influenced through language. This had led me to begin to understand the incredible the power of the mind, and that each of us can create amazing changes from within if we spend the time to learn how it works and get some outside assistance to get us there.
Through the help of a Body Mind Worker practitioner, the individual is assisted to engage with their mind, to mobilise their own unconscious resources, and to achieve a natural resolution to the stresses on their system. You really can learn how to change your mind to change your life.
Both in my own personal experience, that of the clients I help on a day to day basis and through the countless demonstrations of Body Mind Work with others. I have observed that this resolution of dis-ease brings with it a personal space to grow, a space to learn and evolve, and the ability to develop flexibility in all walks of life.
I sincerely hope that more and more people become aware of and gain access to Body Mind Workers, and if you are one of the people currently suffering from chronic pain, and would like to know more about how I could help, send an email to