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A Body Mind Worker's Blog
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The Causes Of Low Self Esteem
What are the causes of low self-esteem? What can be done about it? Find out here
Common Anxiety Medications and Why They Don’t Work
If you have been diagnosed with anxiety, chances are, you have been prescribed a series of drugs that might work, but they might make you...
How come it is so hard to change?!
Okay so you are a normal man or woman, and you maybe have a thought pattern, behaviour, a feeling, a certain emotional response, or one...
Signs You Might Have an Anxiety Disorder
Millions of people all over the world suffer from some sort of anxiety disorder. Whether the realise it or not, it is affecting their...
A problem that kept on running...
A lady came to see me with a problem of struggling to communicate with others, and being anxious and nervous in those circumstances when...
How Anxiety does not need to be Who you are...
If we consider a person experiencing anxiety through a Body Mind Worker perspective using the logical levels, it can help break it up a...
Prevalence of Chronic Pain in the UK
‘Prevalence of chronic pain in the UK: a systematic review and meta-analysis of population studies (Fayaz et al 2016) The prevalence of...
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